1900-1949 Food & Drink

How to Cook Vegetables, 1930

Some possibly useful information on how to cook vegetables from The Essex Cookery Book, 1930.

I’ve never heard of the dark/light theory of cooking vegetables. Vegetables grown in the dark should be cooked in the dark (i.e. covered with a lid) and vice versa, or so it says.

The Essex Cookery Book, 1930
The Essex Cookery Book, 1930

More carrot destruction here with the timings. Not quite as bad as the advice to cook them for two and a half hours from 1910 (see below) but people apparently really liked carrot mush back then. Also – in what universe does it take 15 minutes to cook spinach? You can see why we got our reputation for soggy veg.

The Essex Cookery Book, 1930
The Essex Cookery Book, 1930

Previous post here on Mrs Rea’s Cookery Book from 1910 –

By Estelle

I am Estelle, a small person who lives in Liverpool. I love all books apart from "The World According to Clarkson". Also very keen on comedy, cooking, octopods and other small people.