
A New Year’s Song, 1875

Happy new year!

I think about half of us are hoping for a better 2017 than 2016, and I personally have my fingers crossed that there’s a kind of yin/yang effect between 2016 and 2017, with a stream of the world’s baddies meeting the Grim Reaper this year instead. I’ve got a little list if he needs any help. Unfortunately the events of 2016 seem like merely the prelude for the full 2017 spectacle, but we’ll see.

Today’s post, in the spirit of hope, is a piece of ephemera, a Victorian New Year card, complete with song. These kind of cards were often pasted into scrapbooks at the time.

A New Year's Song card, 1875
A New Year’s Song card, 1875

Wishes for New Year’s Day, 1835

Happy New Year, fair readers!

Have some new year wishes that The Dublin Evening Packet wished to its readers 181 years ago, on the 1st January 1835.

The Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent, 1st January, 1835
The Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent, 1st January, 1835





Time swiftly passes – since we last heard that sound

Of merry bells a twelvemonth has gone round;

How many changes, too, have taken place!

Fair readers, are you brides or mothers in that space?

If so, we wish you all the bliss that wait

On those who enter on that happy state;

Or parent should you be, the adage bear in mind –

“E’en as you bend the twig the tree will be inclined.”

If from the chain of social joy one link be taken,

The promised future will new hopes awaken.

Readers, to each, to all, on this auspicious day,

We feel and wish much more than we can say.

The Packet finds each year its friends increase,

And gratitude with life alone shall cease.