Victorian Victorian Slang

Victorian Slang of the Week – Sit-Upons and Sing Small

Ah! I saw “Sit-upons” and thought it meant bottom (bottoms?), but that would be a bit too rude apparently. It’s another word for “trousers” which, in slang terms, were described so shyly that I’m imagining people were only able to silently mouth the word in polite conversation. Much like a certain type of person of the older generation who does the same for the word “lesbian” now.

Some more, almost sarcastically coy, trouser-based slang here –

I also love “Sing Small, to lessen one’s boasting, and turn arrogance into humility.” Essentially the 19th century humblebrag.


By Estelle

I am Estelle, a small person who lives in Liverpool. I love all books apart from "The World According to Clarkson". Also very keen on comedy, cooking, octopods and other small people.