Oh, the crazy things we ate in the 1990s! Actually, although this is obviously from The Fast Show Book, I did make some cheesy peas while the programme was on and they were pretty good. Not that I’ve made them since, mind.
I didn’t have this book at the time, which was rather an oversight to my comedy book collection, and so I was overjoyed to see it in a charity shop last week. My 1996 status meant I had no spare money for such things – I was a student, and then a shop assistant in Liverpool’s finest hippy shop, Quiggins, at £2.50 an hour with no sick pay and 12 days holiday a year (some of which you had to keep back so you still got paid if you were ill). Thank the monkey for employment laws changing considerably since then.

Unlucky Alf. Oh, I could hardly watch this it made me feel so stricken. One of Paul Whitehouse’s finest hours.