A reprise back to Victorian Slang of the Week and it’s an annoying one.
I spend a lot of time delving into the books and newspapers of the 1930s, it’s one of my favourite periods in many ways. Having just watched the Presidential inauguration, I’m feeling strangely at home with the 1930s vibe. Although “at home’ is the wrong expression – indicating relaxed, comfortable, happy. That’s not how I’m feeling.
So, here we have it, the Trump of the trump card, the one who holds all the trumps. From The Slang Dictionary of 1865.
TRUMP, a good fellow; “a regular TRUMP,” a jolly or good-natured person,- in allusion to a TRUMP card; “TRUMPS may turn up,” i.e., fortune may yet favour me.”

I’m noting that this word appears on the same page as Tub-thumping and Trolling.
Ok, so let’s try Donald. There’s no Donald, but there is a Don.
DON, a clever fellow, the opposite of a muff; a person of distinction in his line or walk. At the English Universities, the Masters and Fellows are the DONS. DON is also used as an adjective, “a DON hand at a knife and fork,” i.e. a first rate feeder at a dinner table.

Oh, sod off Slang Dictionary.
(Can’t resist pointing out the “opposite to a muff” line before I go, though.)