1900-1949 Ephemera War

Hitler’s effect on International Ping Pong, 1938

Ping Pong – what a great name for a sport. Although I should properly be calling it Table Tennis, as I’ve recently (and unexpectedly) ended up wading deep through Table Tennis England’s online archives.

Now, this isn’t a sport I know anything about. In fact, there’s only one sport I do know anything about (if you don’t count maypole dancing, and why would you?), and that’s tennis of the non-table variety.

But I’m a sucker for a mystery to solve – and I’ve been pretty successful of late as well (just call me Scooby Doo). Look at this! Today’s puzzle came in the shape of this little medal, tucked inside the box of my Grandad’s wartime memorabilia.

Engraved on the back is R.B.S.C. Lord Cup Runner Up 1937. And that’s all the information I have. I love having a starting point for some history-surfing, though, so I was off to investigate. I thought it wouldn’t be too difficult to find out about whatever the Lord Cup was, and what R.B.S.C. stood for, but it took quite a lot of searching to find anything.

The only place that currently has those initials is the Royal Bangkok Sports Club, and as it was founded before 1937, I thought I was onto something. That is, until I actually thought about it for a second. I realised that Grandad wasn’t a jet setter, he lived in Lancashire, and this was 1937 – so pre-war and any wartime related travelling hadn’t yet happened. Not that he was in Asia anyway, as far as I know.

But “Sports Club” is probably right for the last two initials, as it sounds like a sporty kind of thing. More searching on “Lord Cup” was rather hampered by the fact that it’s so similar to “Lord’s” and therefore lots of cricket stuff comes up. I’d assumed that the medal was something to do with cricket anyway, just because of the name, even though there was no reason to think so.

Eventually, I found one tiny reference, buried in the aforementioned Table Tennis England site. It turns out that they have an absolute joy of an archive – all their monthly magazines from 1935 to 2000 are beautifully scanned and available to view (although it looks like it was out on hold from 1939-1947 for war time reasons. I guess there wasn’t much table tennis going on during those years.)

Here they are, and very lovely they are too, especially from a design point of view, seeing how aesthetics changed over the years – TTE Archive

In issue 23, from April 1938, there’s a little nugget of information in a piece about events in North East Lancashire. All it says is:

“…while the closing rounds of The Lord Cup are arousing widespread interest.”

Table Tennis, April 1938
Table Tennis, April 1938

No issue of 1937 mentions The Lord Cup, however – I read them all, and now I feel quite au fait with the personalities and issues of 1930s table tennis. But it’s the right name, and the right place (Ribblesdale and Burnley Sports Club? Rawtenstall and Blackburn Sports Club?) and, importantly, it’s ever so slightly more plausible than my Grandad flying off to Thailand to take part in a tournament. Only slightly though – Mum says he never mentioned table tennis ever, and he wasn’t a sporty man. So, it’s all still a bit of a mystery.

Never mind. It’s a little bit of information, at least, and that makes the medal more interesting to me. BUT! Brilliantly, I also discovered that the England Table Tennis Association magazine was an unlikely arena for satire. Issue 24, May 1938, is rather in a huff with Mr Hitler. The recent Anschluss, the official joining of Germany and Austria, had an extra bonus – Germany could now claim that the women’s world table tennis champion, the Austrian Trudi Pritzi, was, in fact, officially German. Was this cricket? No, it bloody well was not! (In a number of ways.)

They jokingly suggest that England should follow suit, here:

“Perhaps the E.T.T.A. Selection committee should look around and select a promising country. We could get a few world champions. Say, Hungary. Or, perhaps, take over U.S.A. After all, that was once British territory.”

They are not happy at all that the correct procedure was not followed – surely the obvious next step after notifying the League of Nations about the forthcoming Anschluss was to make sure the tennis table situation was all agreed happily? And, more seriously, I presume that the last paragraph references Jewish Austrian players:

“The matter has not been regulated with proper courtesy to the International Federation. No doubt at all that, as in the case last year of Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State, the Federation will willingly recognise the desire of two associations for joint representation, when application is made.

Meantime the high-handed attitude is a slight on the I.T.T.F. (International Table Tennis Federation). Even in the matter of the Anschluss of the two states. The German Government notified the League of Nations of what had taken place. In taking over the Austrian T.T.A., however, as far as we know the German T.T.A. has not yet thought it necessary to inform anyone.

When it does the question will probably be raised of the position under Article 2 of many Austrian table tennis players who are well known and are popular in this country and who were expelled from their association within a few hours of its annexation.”

Table Tennis, May 1938
Table Tennis, May 1938
1900-1949 1950-1999 Ephemera War

Hairlooms, heirlooms, and those everyday snippets of history

Inspired by my mum handing me an envelope recently which contained a lock of hair from my very first haircut in about 1975 (a family hairloom, I suppose you could call it), I’ve been thinking about the little bits of history that surround me day to day. I didn’t know this lock of hair existed until a few weeks ago so to suddenly be presented with my hair (pale, gingery brown and wavy, entirely unlike my hair now) from 40 years ago was a slightly strange experience. Especially as I now have a one-year-old daughter myself and her hair is redder but much the same.

I can never quite understand those Cash in the Attic type programmes that zoom round someone’s house, gathering up armfuls of family heirlooms to sell at auction so they can put £400 towards going on a holiday that they were probably going on anyway. Firstly, the surprise that people emit from being presented with their own possessions, as if they knew nothing about them beforehand. I can only imagine most of these things were inherited by a largely disinterested family who shoved the house-clearanced bits in a cupboard and feel utterly unattached to them. Because, secondly, they are pretty happy to just get rid of this stuff for £10 a pop at an auction house.

Me, if I owned those antiquey odds and ends, I would know about it and I certainly wouldn’t flog them for buttons just so I could stand next to Angela Rippon (delightful as I’m sure she is) and get on daytime telly.

The programme of that ilk that I still think about, and which continues to annoy me, concerned some parents who wanted to sell their heirlooms in order to buy a new heirloom for their children. Which is a pretty strange thing to do in the first place, but hey ho. What was incomprehensible though, was that the heirlooms they sold were a large set of family silver cutlery pieces, with an incredible history. They came from some Jewish ancestors who had escaped Fascist Italy during World War Two with only these bits of silver, stashed all over their body. They were lovely old pieces, and I especially loved some long spoons used for ice cream floats, with a straw incorporated in the handle. Now, the family had three children, and you’d think this would be an ideal heirloom to share around fairly, what with there being lots of separate pieces. But no, they sold them to buy one (ONE) modern art painting that the parents obviously just wanted to buy anyway. I’m not a mega fan of a lot of modern art (unless it makes me laugh) so disregard my opinion…….but it was complete rubbish. Good luck kids, sharing that.

My heirlooms don’t need a team of people to uncover. I have my Grandad’s ephemera and Richard Dimbleby ring, as I wrote about here –

Grandma's ring
Grandma’s ring

I also have what is probably the most common 100-year-old-thing generally owned now – a brass Princess Mary tin given to the troops as a Christmas present in 1914. My Grandad carried it in World War Two to keep his tobacco and spare uniform patches in, so he probably got it from his step-dad, who’d been in the First World War. Household tip – some brown sauce polishes old brass up a treat.

Princess Mary's brass tin
Princess Mary’s brass tin

Some various wartime ephemera – a handkerchief sent to my Grandma, uniform patches and badges:

This made me realise that there must have been a brand new industry in wartime France – manufacturing souvenirs and tokens for the soldiers stationed there to send home. Although possibly only for a short time during the phony war period, I presume.

Oh, and what appears to be a live bullet Grandad brought back with him at the end of the war. Not too sure what to do with that. Or if I’m even allowed to own it.

What’s great is finding things in your house, though. Not in a Cash in the Attic way, I mean things actually as part of your house. Like when we found a newspaper from 1986 lining the shower base when we redid the bathroom. Or the general oddness of discovering a still-unexplained small bone in the plaster of the bedroom wall. And best of all, taking off some wallpaper to discover the previous, previous owners the Doyle family had written their family tree on the wall, and scribbled “The Doyles are the best!” in big letters before covering it up like a living room time capsule. This was especially great as I was captivated by a similar thing in Hancock’s Half Hour when I first saw it as a kid, when he “finds” poems by Lord Byron on his walls in East Cheam:

What’s fascinating is that there’s so much stuff hidden away, things that may be of great importance, just unknown, in people’s houses. What do you have passed from the past?

1900-1949 Ephemera War

Remembrance Week – Grandad, Richard Dimbleby and an Unknown German Soldier

This is the post I’ve been wanting to put up since I started this blog. It’s my treasure trove – my Grandad’s archive of his wartime activities, stuffed inside a book that both fascinates me and creeps me out in equal measure.

Firstly, a note – my scans are often a bit wonky on this blog, I’m afraid. This is usually due to the delicate nature of my old books, which means that they don’t take kindly to being pressed open (and, admittedly, sometimes it’s just because I’m still trying to improve at the scanning and photo editing involved). But this post is full of some of the most delicate things I have, and some of them have almost disintegrated. So wonkiness is rather unavoidable.

My Grandad was Allan Pickup, a lovely man from Rossendale, in Lancashire (and apparently one of his much younger cousins was Ronald Pickup, the actor). He’d been a bus driver before the Second World War, and after signing up he landed quite a brilliant job – he served with the Motor Transport Corps and became one of the official drivers for the brilliant Richard Dimbleby, the BBC’s first and most prominent war correspondent.

This was pretty exciting stuff, at least at this point – to start with he was in France with the British Expeditionary Force, on the Maginot Line. This was during the so-called “phoney war” period, before things really kicked off properly. I do imagine him on the Maginot Line, as the George Formby song goes. Being a big Formby fan, I just have to include the clip below, where he’s singing his song to the soldiers on the Maginot Line itself. I really love this footage – it gives me such a sense of a moment just hanging in time.

Grandad’s proximity to the press meant he was in sight of many luminaries of the period – which I know because he kept his clippings from the Rossendale Free Press in this book. It sounded like he was a slight celebrity to his local newspaper because of his job – the clippings show he handed Gracie Fields a bouquet, met the actor Sir Seymour Hicks, and was “in reaching distance” of King George VI when he visited the front. He was on the BBC giving his impressions from The Maginot Line, and also on a BBC spelling bee quiz for soldiers and their relatives – he and my Grandma, Bessie, being on opposing teams. As far as anyone was having a good time in the war at this point, it sounds like he was finding it all pretty thrilling, and I don’t blame him. He says,

“I myself have been on the air, on the screen (on the news reels) and also been mentioned in The Daily Mail, so that is not a bad show for just a common bus driver.”

(I’ve looked for the newsreels and although the British Pathe archives are incredible, and one of my favourite places on the internet, I sadly can’t find anything.)

He told my mum that Richard Dimbleby was a lovely man – in fact, once they were in Arras, in northern France, when Dimbleby wanted to stop at a jeweller to buy his wife a present. Grandad was looking at the rings, but couldn’t afford to buy one. So Dimbleby bought one for him, to give to Grandma. We still have it, in its box, on the bottom of which Grandad wrote “To Bessie, with love from France” (and then, possibly as an afterthought, thinking “France” was too vague, he wrote “Allan” up the side).

And when Richard Dimbleby was on the cover of The Radio Times in January 1940, there was Grandad, in his driver’s cap, standing next to the car. Thanks to the brilliant and recently launched BBC Genome project, I see the reason Dimbleby was on the cover that week was because his programme “Despatch from the Front”, was launching in a new weekly format. Grandad saved the cover and back pages, and they’re wonderful. I did post up my favourite advert of all time earlier this week, but here it is again (any excuse):

Here are the other things Grandad kept in the book:

An authorisation chit for a press visit to a site in France –

A photo of a friend of his –

A tourist guide to the First World War trenches of Vimy –

A newspaper page showing a bombed site, with a cross drawn on it. Not sure what this is, but presumably one of them is Grandad or one of his friends.

A morale-boosting piece about a soldier missing his home and family –

Which was obviously especially poignant as his daughter, my mum, was born in 1942. He posted a happy birthday message in the paper for her in 1945 and kept the clipping here –

I posted this earlier this week too – the fabulously British certificate he was given at the end of the war:

This is what really chokes me up, though. It’s a couple of pages torn from The Journal of the Royal Army Service Corps, and an article by Major C. R. Thompson called “The Horror of Belsen”. I don’t know what date this journal was from, but the letters mention a previous edition of March 1945, and as Belsen was liberated by the British Army in April 1945, this must have been one of the very first impressions of the concentration camps. Perhaps Grandad had been there – Richard Dimbleby famously filed the first report from Belsen, breaking down as he described what he’d seen. The BBC didn’t believe that what he was saying could be true and decided not to run the report. Dimbleby threatened to resign if it wasn’t broadcast, and so four days later it was. At this point the world began to find out about what had really been happening in those camps.

Grandad had torn the pages out in order to post them to Grandma, and he wrote at the top, “Read this darling, and think what may have happened in England x”

But this is all only half the story. The thing is, before my Grandad kept his clippings and reminders of home in this book, someone else did too. And they’re still there. Because this book belonged to a German soldier first; it’s called Fahrten und Flüge gegen England (“Trips and Flights from England” is the translation, I think) published in 1941 by the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces.

Fahrten und Flüge gegen England, 1941

What it is, is a book celebrating the victorious strikes by both the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine against England in 1941, entirely written in headache-inducing gothic font. Here’s some pages detailing the attacks on Coventry, Manchester and Liverpool. Google Translate tells me these chapters are called “The attack on Coventry”, “Twice the big attack on Manchester” and “The Port of Liverpool, a single Inferno”:

I have no idea where or how Grandad got this book. But inside it were similar mementoes of the German soldier it once belonged to, which Grandad kept along with his own.

This might have been him:

There’s a postcard of soldiers –

Plus some postcards apparently dated 1915 and addressed to somewhere in Holland. Perhaps a family heirloom from the First World War?

And I don’t know if Grandad even knew about this. All the other memorabilia was mixed together with Grandad’s own, but I found this thin letter from 1944, unobtrusively slipped between two different pages. It’s written to “lieber Heini” so presumably this soldier was called Heinrich. I’d love to translate this as far as possible one day –

The book is incredible and quite sobering. At this point in 1941, things were looking pretty good for Germany. I get the sense this book is a very confident expression of the expectation of ultimate victory. There are a lot of pictures – here are some of them. They show bombs over London, Maidstone, Swansea, ships exploding, mines erupting, attacks at Scapa Flow, Tower Bridge as seen from a bomber plane, shark-painted Messerschmitts, and the Nazi High Command meeting the troops. Strange to think it was someone’s job to take these action shots as they happened –

In the end, at this distance, it’s hard to know what to feel, exactly. I have a great sense of melancholy for “Heini”, who I presume didn’t live to see the end of the war. I have a huge admiration for Grandad, who saw quite some sights and then quietly went back to his life in Lancashire. And I’d love to have one last conversation with him now, about all this.

1900-1949 Ephemera War

Remembrance Week – George VI Thanks the Children of Britain, 1946

Following on from yesterday’s post, in 1946 the children of Britain got their own “Thank you and well done”.

This was a printed letter from King George VI, sent to all schoolchildren at the end of the Second World War, recognising the fact that the whole of the country, children included, played their part.

“For you have shared in the hardships and dangers of a total war and you have shared no less in the triumph of the Allied Nations”.

The one I have belonged to a little girl called Diana Morcom, wherever she is now….

1900-1949 Ephemera War

Remembrance Week – Thank You and Well Done, 1945

If you Kept Calm and Carried On, you were rewarded with a Thank You and Well Done. It’s the British way, what more do you need?

Well, maybe a cup of tea and a biscuit.

This was awarded to my Grandad, Driver Allan Pickup, by Lieutenant-General Miles Dempsey, Commander of the Second Army (and who was, excitingly, nicknamed “Bimbo”).

May 1945
May 1945
1900-1949 War

Remembrance Week – London Blitzed, 1944

This must surely be the most heartbreaking tourist guide there is.

London for Everyman by William Kent was a guide to the sights of London, first published in 1933. By the 1944 edition, the Capital was forever altered by the Blitz, and pages of amendments were necessary to detail what no longer existed, what had been closed for the forseeable future, and what had been moved for safety.

This edition belonged to one Private E. O. Leichman, number W/280854, who must have bought it for a look around London, while he was on leave.

Here’s all the updates for 1944. Note that Paternoster Row had been bombed out of existence by this point – goodbye to the venerable old publishing centre, and to Madame Vastra and the Paternoster Gang (they lived at number 13, you know) –

1900-1949 War

Remembrance Week – The Queen Knits Socks, 1940

The future Queen Elizabeth helped the war effort in 1940, knitting a pair of socks for one “lucky” soldier. And another Tommie got perhaps a slightly racier pair, knitted by Princess Margaret Rose.

From PTO Magazine, 1940.


1900-1949 War

Remembrance Week – Might and Main, 1942

Here’s the complete booklet of Might and Main – Fighting ships of land, sea and air.

The complete lack of corpses and casualties in this 1942 booklet makes these action pictures of tanks, planes and ships utterly thrilling, pure Boys Own territory. Something to help kids picture what their dads, their uncles, their brothers were up to while they were gone.

1900-1949 Food & Drink War

Remembrance Week – George Bernard Shaw’s Vegetarian Plea, 1940

This week I’m going to be posting up bits and pieces I have dating from the Second World War, in honour of Remembrance Sunday on 9th November. Of course, this is particularly poignant this year, being 100 years since the start of the First World War.

And on Sunday I’ll be posting some of my own family history – my Grandad’s memorabilia, stuffed inside the most sinister book I own.

Today’s piece is from PTO Magazine, 1940. George Bernard Shaw was a devoted vegetarian, and in a letter to the Daily Express, he pleads that veggies are given sufficient rations, lest they lose their singular ferociousness:

PTO Magazine, 1940
PTO Magazine, 1940
1900-1949 Ephemera Food & Drink War

Art Butter, 1940