The general election draws nearer and I’ve just had a leaflet from the local Tory candidate through the letterbox (I don’t rate his chances).
His policies sound to be mainly all about how great the NHS is – oh, what an enormous con the Tories have pulled on the country there. Privatising by stealth, with no manifesto to state their intentions, and while still maintaining some kind of double think by continually stating how much they love the NHS. Well, I suppose they do love it now, seeing as so many of them are now coining in the private healthcare profits.
One of his main reasons given in the leaflet not to vote Labour is, unbelievably, because there would be a coalition, with Labour “propped up by other parties”, which is either completely shameless or completely idiotic.

Anyway. I’ve been having a look at Conservative Party election posters through the ages, thanks to the Bodleian Library’s online Conservative Party Archive. Interesting stuff. As a history buff you can divine so much information about the wider state of the country from each one. Here’s a few for you here.
From 1909-1910. Well….the past is like a foreign country, and all that (except Tories like the past).
1929, and afraid not so much of the “nanny state”, but the “inspector state”.
1931. Not really sure what this message is – go to work or Johnny Foreigner will take over? At this point the patriotism is pretty overt, with the Tories calling themselves “The National Government” for a while.
1935. Being “peaceful and strong” didn’t really work out for Neville Chamberlain, although to be fair, I don’t think any diplomatic approach would have worked against Hitler.
1950. It’s Kitchener-style common sense to vote Conservative. No reason is necessary, just the implication you’re some kind of gibbering fool if you don’t.
1958. The Tories gave you two television channels.
1958. “Will he ever be called up?”
1959. Labour will take away your mod cons, apparently.
1963. Test ban treaty signed. Good stuff.
1974. Directed to the working class voter.
1978-79. Not sure what to make of these ones. I mean, I get what they’re saying, but it seems like a lot of spin to make a positive slant on essentially not having to disturb the status quo any more than necessary.

1992. I like this one. John Major seems to me to be great in retrospect. Well, in comparison with all the Prime Ministers just before and since anyway.
1997. The infamous “Demon Eyes” poster. Unbelievable that this ever was released.
2001. The Police love the Tories. I wonder if they’ve since told Theresa May to “Foxtrot Oscar”?
2 replies on “Conservative Election Posters, 1909-2001”
“The National Government” wasn’t a nickname for the Tories, it was the official name of the Coalition Government that ran Britain in the thirties after the first Labour PM pussed out and did a Clegg.
Ah! Thanks, that makes sense, I was wondering why the name change.